
Showing posts from September, 2022

What To Expect When Working With a Medicare Agent

CMS maximums are set nationally, although they may be higher in certain states because of cost of living and other conditions. For example, for 2022, CMS has set the maximum national commission for first-time enrollment in MA at $573 per beneficiary for most parts of the country. In California, however, the maximum first-time commission is $715. For standalone Part D plans, the 2022 maximum national commission for first-time enrollment is $87 and does not vary by region. Clicking on the link will take you to a page through which you may review your visitor profile and related personal information. Therefore, please be thoughtfl in what you write and understand that this information may become public. We may share personal medicare agent information if all or part of the Company is sold, merged, dissolved, acquired, or in a similar transaction. To protect our rights, the rights of affiliates or related third parties, or take appropriate legal action, such as to enforce our Terms of

Wheelchair Taxi Awards: 8 Reasons Why They Don't Work & What You Can Do About It